The Organizing Committee invites contributions for the 15th International Conference of the Spanish Association of Language and Literature Education. The deadline to submit a proposal is June 1st 2014.

There are two ways to present contributions to the Conference:

  • Posters. Posters will be exhibited for a full day or for half a day in a place to be announced. Each author will have approximately 10 minutes to explain his/her work. The dimensions of the poster should be 120x90cm.
  • Oral presentations. The oral presentations will be integrated in the thematic sessions lead by a moderator.

Each proposal must indicate the selected conference theme. However, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to suggest a change in the selected theme at the time of notifying its acceptance. Those individual abstracts which have been accepted will be distributed by the Scientific Committee in “Symposia/thematic tables” based on the conference themes. The Organizing Committee may also distribute tables/symposia for junior researchers also based on the different conference themes.

Proposals for symposia/thematic panels may be sent via a coordinator who will present a general abstract and a list, with no less than three and no more than five, oral presentations with the speakers who will deliver them, and an abstract of each paper according to the instructions given for the oral presentations.

Proposals for oral presentations may be submitted with a summary (500 words max.) of a project or a teaching experience that reflects the conference themes. Summaries must be sent via email to the corresponding thematic field. It is imperative that all participants register for the Conference; if not, their proposals, although accepted by the Scientific Committee, will not be included in the Conference programme.

The proposals for contributions, no more than two per author, may be submitted until the 1st of June 2014. The Organizing Committee will send a return receipt for the proposals and, before the 20th of July, will notify the contributors of the final decision to accept or reject the work. The proposed contributions may be in Catalan, Spanish, French, Gallego, English, Portuguese or Basque. The proposals should be sent by e-mail to one of the following panels:

The proposals will be sent to at least two members of the Scientific Committee or researchers who the Scientific Committee designates for this.

The following criteria will be used to select proposals:

  • Suitability for the Conference theme
  • Scientific and or academic bases for the study proposed
  • Clarity in defining the objective of study and textual coherence in the description.
  • Extension according to the established limits.

Regarding the publication of Conference papers, authors may choose between two modalities (both options are mutually exclusive). The first option consists of publishing the complete paper in the conference proceedings. The proposal should be emailed to one of the panel directors before 15 December. The second option consists in submitting the paper to Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. In the case of the latter, the full version of the paper must be written in English. After strictly applying the required format, the paper should be submitted to sedll2014procedia@gmail.com before 15 December.

Publication or rejection in either of the two modalities will be determined by the Scientific Committee and the Editors of the Conference proceedings.